Human Resources

DiSSC staff provide the following human resources services for academic and staff employees.

Recruitment (staff): 

  • Updating and submitting position descriptions 
  • Requisition preparation 
  • Application screening for staff recruitments 
  • Interview questions review and guidance 
  • Interview scheduling for staff recruitments (future state) 
  • Salary analysis and approval (in conjunction with central HR when required) 
  • Preparing offer letters and employment contracts 
  • Appointment extension requests 
  • Submission of onboarding case 

Equities, Reclassifications and Stipends (staff): 

  • Updating position descriptions 
  • Reclassification, stipend and equity salary analysis 
  • Processing salary/TC change actions 
  • Preparing template notification letters for stipends, reclassifications and equity adjustments 

Department Personnel File Management: 

  • Process content addition and deletion requests 
  • Schedule appointments to view personnel file contents 
  • Retrieval and copying personnel file contents as appropriate 
  • DMV Employer Pull Notice Program: 
  • Register new and existing employees in the program 
  • Notify departments of employee driving record incidents reported by DMV 
  • Remove employees from the program 

Client Services: 

  • Benefits eligibility inquiries 
  • Employment status inquiries 
  • Employment documentation  
  • Service Credit audit/inquiries 
  • Leave accrual change/inquires 
  • Probation Period monitoring/inquires